Dr. Dilantha Fernando is an internationally recognized plant scientist and professor at University of Manitoba who has contributed to managing diseases through environmentally-friendly methods around the world. His research has impacted the world with reduction of pesticide use, and poverty alleviation especially in China, India and Sri Lanka. He has contributed to the development of 32 canola/rapeseed cultivars that are grown in Canada.
He has been recognized numerous times through awards (including the SLF Lifetime Achievement Award), invitations by many countries for keynote addresses at international conferences, to numerous boards, as an Editor-in-Chief and Editor by two prestigious journals in the world. In addition, he has trained over 70 graduate, post-doctoral and visiting scientists. The training of HQP in his lab has contributed to science in a major way, with many firsts and discoveries that have been published in high impact peer reviewed journals bringing recognition to Canada and Sri Lanka.