Sri Lankan men can soon have their hair done at the famous Truefitt and Hill barber shop, the creators behind Frank Sinatra’s iconic look.
Established in 1805, the shop is a royal warrant holder making it the favorite barber shop for Britain’s royal family for over 200 years. Records show that those included amongst its clientele is almost all male members of the British Royal family since George III. “We are a royal warrant holder and have attended to the men in the royal family of Britain for nine consecutive reigns.” the company was quoted in the release. Truefitt is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest surviving barbershop.
Truefitt is currently operating outlets in Beijing, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Mumbai in Asia. “Sri Lanka has a huge luxury market and we are the most prestigious barber shop in the world.” said Truefitt and Hill showing their keen interest in the Sri Lanka’s luxury goods market and is presently looking for partners to spread their business.