home grown & community sourced:
MORICEYLON® is a community sourced project founded to address income and nutrition needs of local communities. We fund, advice, connect markets and share information to encourage underprivileged families to grow moringa trees to supplement their daily nutrition and income needs.
While we continue to inspire local communities to maximise under-utilised resources, we believe this initiative will contribute to the national programs of combating malnutrition, improving family health and human capacity, empowerment of women, promoting social equity, and preserving indigenous knowledge and culture.
MORICEYLON also pursue on innovative ideas creating 100% natural and simple food solutions using local knowledge, research and modern technology to fulfil daily nutrient requirements of busy lifestyles. As a result, we have introduced new technology, a cold drying method to ensure quality, edibility and the nutritive value of food remains intact of all community sourced material allowing food to be stored in a fit to consume condition for future use.