News ≫ “The Beauty of the Sri Lanka” 4th Annual Photography Exhibition

“The Beauty of the Sri Lanka” 4th Annual Photography Exhibition

Jun 4, 2024
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SLF had the privilege of speaking with Suriya Perera, the Founder, President, and CEO of the America Sri Lanka Photographic Art Society, Los Angeles (ASPAS). The ASPAS just completed its fourth annual photography exhibition, “The Beauty of Sri Lanka.”

Suriya said one of his proudest achievements was showcasing his photography at the UCLA Grand Salon in Kerckhoff Hall on the 20th and 21st of April, with the assistance of the Consulate General, Dr Lalith Chandradasa. The exhibition continued its voyage to Sri Lanka’s permanent representative office to the United Nations in New York on April 25th and 26th, which was organized by Mohan Peiris, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, and Deputy Permanent Representative Sugeeshwara Gunarathna, who played an important role to landmark this exhibition. The presence of United Nations General Assembly President Dennis Francis as the chief guest emphasized the event’s international significance.

Suriya proudly shared that nearly a hundred ambassadors and diplomats from around the world gathered to witness the exhibition in New York. Their genuine surprise and admiration for the captivating photographs, skillfully captured by veteran photographers, was a testament to the global recognition of the event. These images unveiled the rich cultural heritage and natural splendor of Sri Lanka, leaving a profound impression on attendees. The ambassadors praised the exhibition, expressing confidence that it would significantly boost Sri Lanka’s tourism industry by showcasing its captivating beauty to the world.

The grand finale of the Sri Lanka Photography Exhibition coincided with the “Passport DC” event organized by the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Washington, D.C., on May 4th. Over five thousand visitors, including Americans and dignitaries, were not just spectators but active participants in the visual feast celebrating Sri Lanka’s vibrant heritage and natural wonders. Organized by the ASPAS, the exhibition captured the imagination of audiences across the United States. The exhibition served as a powerful ambassador for Sri Lanka’s cultural and tourism aspirations on the global stage.

Suriya also mentioned the artistic contributions of photographers Hiranthi de Silva, Laksitha Karunarathna, Vimukthi Weeratunga, Ravi Ranasinghe, K.G.Keerthirathna, Andy Samarasena, Sanjaya Warnasuriya, Shantha Weerasinghe, and himself enriched the exhibition. Sponsored by the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau and with media support from Siyatha TV, the exhibition extends its gratitude to Senior News Manager Udaya Shan Idamagedara for his invaluable contribution.

Lastly, Suriya shared his excitement for the next Art Exhibition, already in the works for 2025. This upcoming event, a collaboration between the USA and Canada organized by the America Sri Lanka Photographic Art Society, promises to be another milestone in the journey of showcasing Sri Lanka’s cultural heritage and natural beauty to the world.

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