News ≫ Sri Lankan doctor to represent Australia at Davos

Sri Lankan doctor to represent Australia at Davos

Dec 29, 2016
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The 27-year-old Dr. Martin Seneviratne was selected as one of 50 young people from across the world to attend the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, in January 2017. Dr. Seneviratne is working as a junior doctor at Sydney’s Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, but has plans to develop a “hybrid career” working as a physician, software developer and tech entrepreneur.

Each year, youth representatives are chosen from the global shapers community — an international network of city-based hubs led by people aged 20 to 30 who have been selected for their leadership potential, social impact initiatives and high achievements. Dr Seniviratne is a alumnus of University of Sydney and has a Bachelor of Advanced Science with First Class Honors, an MBBS with First Class Honors and was awarded the University of Sydney Medal. Currently at the RPAH, he has worked in France, Vietnam and Papua New Guinea. He sits on the national board of the Health Informatics Society of Australia, and advises the Australian Digital Health Agency. He also was named the 2017 Roden Cutler NSW John Monash Scholar. The award will see Dr Seneviratne head to Stanford University to continue his ground-breaking work into clinical informatics.

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