News ≫ Sri Lankan Americans in Los Angeles celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Independence of Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Americans in Los Angeles celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Independence of Sri Lanka

Feb 28, 2018
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The consulate office of Los Angeles commemerated the 70th anniversary of Independence with the participation of over 1,500 Sri Lankan Americans and the diplomatic corps. The grand event was held at the Royce Hall, University of Los Angeles on February 10.

The event commenced with the hoisting of the Sri Lankan flag by H.E. Swarna Gunaratne, Consul General of Sri Lanka to Los Angeles and the western states. The national anthem of Sri Lanka was sung in Sinhala and played in Tamil. A two minute silence was observed to remember all who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

After the official ceremony and religious blessings the night opened up to “Nidahas Charika” a beautiful cultural show. A fresh new dance drama was created by Rivega Dance School from Sri Lanka together with local talent. The dance drama showcased the history of Sri Lanka and celebrated the freedom of our beautiful island. It was followed by beautiful performances by our very own Sri Lankan Americans in Los Angeles and mesmerizing performances Rivega Dance School.

Our very own performers from Sri Lanka Foundation Performing Arts Center showed off their talents with a beautiful item with live drumming, singing, dancing and raban turning.

Photo Credit JB Photography

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