News ≫ Sri Lanka exports 78 tonnes of fish in a week after EU ban lifted

Sri Lanka exports 78 tonnes of fish in a week after EU ban lifted

Jul 1, 2016
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Sri Lanka has exported 78 tonnes of fish to the European Union during the past 7 days following the annulment of the ban on fisheries exports to the European Union (EU), the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development said in a statement.

The Ministry said the stock was exported through 13 companies.

At a meeting held Wednesday between the Minister of Fisheries Mahinda Amaraweera and a group of exporters, several companies have expressed interest to export Sri Lankan produce to EU nations.

During the discussions exporters have said there is a high demand for Sri Lanka produce in European and Asian countries. The countries in the American region have also shown willingness to purchase Sri Lankan exports.

The Ministry said Sri Lanka incurred an estimated 16 billion rupees loss due to the EU ban on fishery exports, which went into effect in January 2015 and lifting of the ban earlier this month will immensely benefit Sri Lanka and the fisheries industry.

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