The Rajagiriya flyover will be opened on January 9, 2018, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said after inspecting the construction work being carried out on the flyover. “The Government is planning to construct a highway from the Kelani Bridge to Fort. This highway will be connected to Rajagiriya from the HSBC junction. There will be several new highways in the future as they are needed,” Mr Wickremesinghe was quoted as saying.
“We will do up the road network according to a plan. We have allocated funds to construct a network of highways from Kandy to Hambantota. Also, we will focus on easing traffic congestion in Colombo and the Kandy Town. “In addition, several Light Train projects will also be implemented. We are doing all this as we are aware of the negative economic and social impact caused by the traffic congestion.
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