News ≫ Alston Rocks World’s Highest Capital City.

Alston Rocks World’s Highest Capital City.

Jun 1, 2017
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Sri Lankan born Australian entertainer now based in Hollywood, Alston Koch yet again raised the bar on professional entertainment when he was invited as a Special VIP guest to Ecuador in South America.

Alston thrilled audiences in four shows in Quito and Guayakil before been whisked away by helicopter to Peru. San Francisco de Quito, is the capital city of Ecuador, and at an elevation of 2,850 metres above sea level, it is the highest official capital city in the world and the one which is closest to the equator. It is located in the Guayllabamba river basin, on the eastern slopes of Pichincha, an active stratovolcano in the Andes mountains (Wikipedia).

Invited by the first woman President of South America Rosalie Arteaga, who was also the Vice President of Ecuador for 2 years and now is one of the most prolific humanitarians and educationists in all of South America, Alston was welcomed and felicitated by the Rotary Club of Ecuador.

He was the first Asian to perform in South America’s most recognized and popular concert hall known to the world as ‘The House Of Music’.

Courtesy of

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